Funmi Ademilua

Our Background History

To bring bullying to an end, The Good Samaritan Foundation was founded in 2010 by Counsellor Funmi Ademilua.   Counsellor Funmi had an intention which was to not just end only bullying but also cut down the level of violence among young adults. She also wanted to encourage and inspire young people to live a life that is free from crime and disorder. To help young people live a violence-free and crime-free life, different campaigns were initiated. The plans TGSF had were executed by getting youths involved in activities within the community. Another means that was utilized to inspire young people, is by reaching out to families and working with them. We understand that every family is a basic learning environment; hence the need to work with families. We also created campaigns to help empower young people by helping them acquire different skills. This cause became the starting point for TGSF, and ever since our inception, we have reached out to thousands of young people. As time went by, our desire to help more people grew bigger and stronger, and it led us to provide other support to people that need them. We got a bigger call to serve humanity, and we did not fail to answer it. Not only do we offer empowerment and inspiration to young people, but we now offer financial, health, and other forms of aid to people. We are now a registered charity organization and a member of the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC). TGSF has also grown beyond the founder, Mrs. Funmi, as there are other trustees, executive members, Patrons, Patronesses and Volunteers, that believe in the organization’s purpose and are committed to making it work.

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